Friday, November 16, 2007

Gift Bags

I'm alone now for a week. Alyssa, Alexis and one of Alyssa's co-workers left after an early supper to drive to New Jersey to visit Grandmom Carmen, Aunt Sara, cousin Rose, and Uncle Bobby. I think Uncle Dominic will also be there for Thanksgiving dinner.
Austin (the friend) has never been 'out east' and is looking forward to spending a day in NYC, which they plan to do on Monday. Alexis is excited about that, as well. Austin's mother offered the use of her car for the trip; it's better than either Austin's or Alyssa's.
On Wednesday, I went to the Hallmark store and bought the series ornaments I've been giving to various family members for years. I really wasn't thinking about Alyssa's trip when I did it, but later decided that she may as well take them along and save me the trouble of mailing them. Instead of digging out wrapping paper, tape, etc., I grabbed yarn and knitting needles, and knit these little gift bags. I'm pleased with the way they turned out, and that's four more ounces of yarn gone from my stash. Carmen and Sara can probably find things to do with the bags after they take out the ornaments.

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