Monday, September 1, 2008

Comment and Houses

The comment on Thursday's entry floored me! Joe, how did you find my blog? Are you the one who was at Dawn and Terry's wedding six years ago and prepared a lot of wonderful food?

Alyssa and Alexis will be moving to Mayfield this month, but not into the house they had planned to. Things didn't work out with that one, so they'll be in one that is a little larger and is in a different part of town. They'll be a block from the library rather than from McDonalds - sounds better to me. Their landlord will be the brother of my first landlord in Mayfield. Alyssa's boyfriend's mother will be helping with some cleaning and painting. She apparently loves to do those things. I'm glad someone does - I don't.


I made that shawl I mentioned a week or so ago, doing the decreases differently, but it still was an odd shape for a shawl. It finally struck me that it was basically a mitered square, which in my opinion is not a shawl shape. So I'm reknitting the yarn, using the leaf stitch pattern but doing decreases at the edges as well as in the middle so it will be a triangle. I plan to donate it to the Art Guild for the silent auction at the Gourd Festival.

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