Tuesday, March 24, 2009

It's been a week again

since I last posted. I keep meaning to do it more frequently, but sometimes don't
Above is the group of women I met with last Wednesday night to lend them my Weave-it and other small looms. I also gave them about ten pounds of cotton, linen, silk and wool yarns to weave squares to 'sell' at the Walk through Bethlehem in December. It was interesting sitting in on their meeting and hearing about their upcoming projects, including Relay for Life.
On Friday, I went to a noon Eucharist service at St Martin's Church in Mayfield. That is the church I belonged to while I lived in Mayfield and when I first moved to Milburn, but we got so small that we, along with the bishop, decided to close it. The Diocese has not found a buyer for the building yet, so for the past few months our rector at Grace Church in Paducah has come down on the third Friday of the month to celebrate the Eucharist and then lead a Bible study on the readings for the day. I have always forgotten about it before or had a scheduling problem, but I finally made it there Friday. There were six of us, including the priest. Three of them were people who have moved (or moved back) to Mayfield in the four years since St Martin's closed, so I had not met them before.
Lexi spent Friday night with me, and we picked up some of the little sticks in the yard on Saturday morning before Alyssa and Trevor came to store some things (Christmas stuff, I think) in my back shed and to take Lexi home. I was going to pick up more sticks today, but it was so windy I figured more will probably be falling, so I might as well wait. I want to be able to do some mowing when I get my mower back from the repair shop, without running over too many things. Lexi and I filled the wheelbarrow twice and dumped it into the sinkhole in the back yard. The more I try to fill that hole, the bigger it gets. By then I was tired and hot, and the boys next door had come out to play basketball, so I let Lexi join them. Before I even got into the house, Alyssa came, so Lexi didn't get to play much basketball.
My oncology visit in Paducah on Monday was routine.

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