Monday, December 12, 2011

Hey! Three Little Kittens . . .

I found your mittens!
These are the ones I made to help a girl at church get one of her Girl Scout badges. They are what my husband called 'idiot mittens' - with the cord joining them, not even an idiot could loose just one. When I washed them this morning, the cords got tangled up with the other clothes. I untangled them before putting them in the dryer, of course.
In the dryer, they left the other clothes alone, but did their own little dance around the Maypole. More untangling.

I also spent a little time outside today - burning paper trash and taking the other trash down to the end of the driveway to be picked up tomorrow morning. Why does 55 degrees outside feel more comfortable than 70 degrees indoors?

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