Thursday, May 10, 2012

Two Hats and a Blanket

I've knitted two hats recently (and have another one on the needles) because I needed a project to carry with me that I didn't need to think too much about as I worked on it.

This one is actually all knit 2, purl 2, but at the top of the ribbing, I decreased one stitch to change the appearance. When I got to the crown, I did the decreases just however seemed good at the time. Some of my knitting friends don't understand how I 'fudge' so much stuff, and a couple of them swear that I knit in my sleep.

I used three different size needles on this one. I started with size 6 for two inches, then switched to size 8 for three inches. Looking closely I could tell that the stitches became bigger, but couldn't see the difference in the way the colors fell. Looking at this picture, I'm amazed - that difference is quite obvious! They're slanting to the right on the bottom, but to the left in the middle. After working three or four rounds on the size 10's. I could see a spiral starting. Variegated yarns are fun to work with!

The blanket is for great-granddaughter Lily, who is due in a few weeks. The knitting part of it is done, with her name worked in shadow knitting. Looking straight on, all you see is pin-stripes, but at an angle, the design appears. I still need to duplicate stitch (a special kind of embroidery for knits) some tiger lilies and lilies-of-the-valley on that center section. Here's another picture, showing the rest of her name.

She has an older sister whose name is Rose. I did a similar blanket for her in shades of pink, with roses in the center. I've told my granddaughter that the next one will need to be named Iris.

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