Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Pictures from the storm

First of all - I'm home! Have been since Saturday. Power was restored on Friday, or at least that's what I'm assuming. One of the nurses in the treatment room at the cancer group lives a few miles from me. On Friday, she said she didn't have power yet, but Monday she said it was on when she got home that day. I drove out to Milburn Saturday morning to collect mail and check on things, and was delighted to find the power on. I turned up the thermostat, threw out more things from the refrigerator, and went back to Mayfield to get my stuff. I greatly appreciate Alyssa and Trevor's hospitality for two weeks, but it's nice to be back in my own house, with my own things around me.
Here's my car covered in ice. There was more frozen precipitation of some kind after I took these pictures, so it was about an inch of ice and snow that I cleared off the car on Thursday 1/29. The door to the shed behind the car was covered with ice as well, so I couldn't get into the shed until the weather warmed up a bit.

These two show some of the branches from my neighbor Robbie's pecan tree. I think some hit his golf cart, but didn't damage it. He's legally blind, thanks to a motorcycle accident a few years ago, and uses the golf cart to travel around Milburn.
Fortunately none of the limbs from either his trees or mine hit my car. These pictures were taken about mid-morning Tuesday 1/27. More limbs fell during the rest of the day as well as during that night.

This is the holly tree whose branches rubbed against the porch. By the time the ice stopped forming, it was bowed down a lot, but has bounced back up since the ice melted. You can see that I didn't get the porch swing down last fall - I just lashed it to the porch pillar so the wind won't blow it around too much.

The pines have quite a few broken branches that I'll have to trim off. The top of the one on the right now looks almost like a Norfolk Island pine.

The thing mid-range here is my lilac bush. It looked like it was split in half and the two parts lying on the ground. I'm really surprised that it has popped back up. I'll need to do some pruning on it, but maybe it will be OK.

And this is my neighbor Angela's maple tree. It was huge, well-shaped, beautiful! It looks sort of pretty with the ice on it, but look at those large limbs broken off. It will never be beautiful again. I'm wondering what Angela will do about it. Again, this was taken early in the storm - more branches fell later.

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