Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Things are looking up!

Recently I've been able to buy Arnold's bread at Kroger; today I also bought Thomas' English Muffins! Doesn't take much to make me happy, does it?

We have had only an inch or so of snow (on Monday) here, but it's COLD. I've been mostly staying in my bedroom with the door closed. It gets warmer than the rest of the house that way. I have several knitting projects to work on. Today I finally went out - to Paducah. I went to the midweek eucharist service at Grace Church and then to the knitting group at the coffee shop. I took two short capes and three shawls with me to church for the prayer shawl ministry.

At the coffee shop I had some lasagna for lunch along with two cups of coffee. I had not been there for a few weeks, so it was extra good to see the others. I didn't get much knitting done, but enjoyed the conversations.


1 comment:

Carmen said...

So I don't have to bring a dozen packages of each anymore? :) If you liked the different varieties I bring and have trouble finding them there, let me know :)

We'll have to do a veggie lasagna when I'm there next = mmmm, mmmm, good :)