Thursday, November 1, 2007

Blessed All Hallows

I know - we usually say All Saints Day nowadays, but to get the connection to Halloween, it's necessary to say All Hallows. I'm reading a book to Lexi now that has an apostrophe between the two e's to indicate that the v is left out of the word. The book is by Rumer Godden and is called Mr. McFadden's Hallowe'en. I have other books that I want to read to Lexi after I finish this one. When I tried to read one of them to her last year, she wasn't interested in anything that I couldn't read at one sitting. I've been reading poetry to her quite a bit, and one day last week she was talking in rhyme.
The picture is of Lexi in her Halloween costume. Alyssa went to the school yesterday afternoon and helped her dress, and then watched their parade of costumes and was in the classroom for the party. I took the picture in the brief time between their coming home from the school and Nana picking Lexi up so she could go trick or treating with her cousins. I think they go mainly to family. Andy brought her home just before her 8 o'clock bedtime. She had fallen asleep in the car, so her carried her into the house and back to the bedroom. She woke up enough to take off her shoes and jeans, but slept in her shirt.
The neighbor next door brought over a bag of candy for Lexi. I showed it to her this morning, and told her that she'll have to thank him for it. She said she will, and commented that he talks funny. I told her that is because he had a motercycle accident and his head hit something hard.

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