Sunday, June 8, 2008

Happy Birthday, Lexi!

Tomorrow is Lexi's seventh birthday, so we had a party for her yesterday. Only two of the seven or eight classmates she invited showed up, but there were plenty of family and other friends. The best picture I took is of the pool after Alyssa had put streamers and balloons on the fence, but before anyone arrived. The kids enjoyed the pool, of course, while the adults sat around and talked. The wife of one of Andy's (Lexi's dad) cousins had to be driven to the hospital in the middle of things because her water broke. Her father-in-law drove her (her husband was at work) and her mother-in-law stayed here with the other two children. I haven't heard yet what time the baby was born.
They said the pinata was too heavy to hang on any of the tree branches, so we took the swing down and hung the pinata of the swing frame. We let the little kids hit at it without being blindfolded, but the six- to eleven-year-olds all had their eyes covered. There was a mad scramble when it was finally broken. Alyssa supplied plastic grocery bags for them to put the candy in.
The birthday cake fit in with the leis and colorful decorations. The food included plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, and there were two coconuts and the top of a pineapple decorating the food table. There were also grilled hot dogs and hamburgers, chips and pretzels.
I had several large trays and bowls to wash today - I didn't feel like doing that last night.
And there were plenty of gifts to open. Alyssa made Lexi read each card. There were several cards with money in them, which excited her. The clothing is divided up among Andy's house, his parent's house and here, but I think all of the other things are here.

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