Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Spring Update

The bright yellows of daffodils and forsythia have been joined by the red of flowering quince (also known as japonica). the white of Bradford pear, the pinks and whites of other flowering fruits, the pink of an early-blooming variety of magnolia (I know it has a common name, but I can't think of it.), the chartreusey green of weeping willow, and the reds and greens of leaf buds on other trees.

Another variety of daffodil started blooming yesterday in my garden. I mentioned it to Bob yesterday, but he wasn't impressed. Lexi noticed it this morning, and picked one to take to her teacher. It has a white parianth and a yellow-orange cup.


Today was my oncology appointment. Numbers are OK; treatment plan unchanged. It's getting sort of boring!

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