Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas two

I had trouble this morning getting some pictures from my camera. Therefore, I'm making two postings on one day.

When I looked in the cupboard this morning for a Christmas mug to make my coffee into, the only ones I saw were too tall to fit my one-cup coffee maker. But way in the back, I found this one that I had forgotten about. Not Christmas, but I think I'll use it for a few days. It reads: Official Member Society for Stress Management Using Natural Fibers. It's good for spinners, knitters, dyers, crocheters, felters - who else?

It's been raining all day. This is what it looks like off my back porch, which was really meant to be a carport. There is a drainage system there, but sometimes it doesn't work as fast as the rain falls.

When I realized this morning that it was raining, I wondered how many parents in the area were telling their children that it had snowed during the night for Santa's sleigh, but then the rain had washed it all away.

In the last few days, Midnight has decided that the top of the monitor is a good place to rest. She has slid off the back several times, but keeps coming back. It's not annoying until she lets her tail hang down in front of the screen.

Yes, that is a foot on top of the monitor. Actually, there are two of them, but Midnight's tail is wrapped around one. They're stress relief/hand exercise 'balls' that were in goody bags at health fairs. We taped them down so they wouldn't walk away (at least that's what I told Lexi). There was a brain, as well, but it wasn't taped down so Midnight knocked it off.

And finally, some children's art - the 'card' Lexi made for her gift to me. A few weeks ago, when she asked how to spell my name, I spelled my given name for her - it's a lot shorter than Grandmother. She still calls me Grandmother when she's talking, but she writes Adele.

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