Tuesday, March 27, 2012

I'm tired!

About 10 AM, I went to Fancy Farm and got my lawn mower that was fixed. The other one is still at the shop, but this is the one I like best. The men there put it part way into the trunk, tied it in, and tied the trunk lid down. I had planned to go to Mayfield to knit at the Art Guild, but decided to come back home and mow. Bonnie helped me get the mower out of the trunk when I got here. Then I had to go around the corner to the gas station for a gallon of gas. I filled the tank and mowed the fenced-in part of the back yard. Then I took a lunch and knitting break. Later I filled the tank again and mowed the yard on the south end of the house. I figure that's enough for one day. I spent the rest of the afternoon sitting on the back porch knitting - finished one of the shawls I started last Wednesday evening.

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