Friday, October 9, 2009

Looper rugs

The hard part - measuring the warp threads (all 200 of them), winding them onto the warp beam, threading the the heddles, sleying the reed, and tying onto the cloth beam - is done, now, so I can start the actual weaving. The loopers are a byproduct of the sock-knitting industry. They are like terrycloth and make great bathmats. I may be doing some of this weaving as a demonstration at an event connected with the Mayfield school system. I got the emailed request for that on Wednesday and replied that I would do it if they would provide transportation for the loom. I haven't heard anything more, so I don't know yet.

Alyssa came out yesterday to shop my stash. She left with a small bag of yarn, two or three sets of double-pointed needles, a cable needle, several books, some patterns she printed out from the Internet, and a bag of fiberfill. I'm really proud of the way she has taken to knitting. She's trying a bit of everything, usually following directions in books, but occasionally calling me with questions.

Dominic, don't be such a smartass! Of course that word is enabler - I'll leave the embalming to my cousin Scott.

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