Saturday, September 17, 2011

Missed Opportunity?

Thursday, when I went to the oral surgeon, I was about 15 minutes early. They all take lunch from noon to 12:45, and lock the door during that time and put a sign on it telling when they will re-open. I parked so I could see the door, rolled down the window to get fresh air, and started to get out my knitting. A man came over and asked if I knew anything about the building and the one next to it.

I replied, "A little."
"Do you know where these people are?" He showed me a slip of paper with the name and number of a matchmaking service on it.
"No. These first three doors are all an oral surgeon, and there's a children's dentist a little way down, but other than that I don't know what's here."
"Hmmm. Well, do I need to go any farther?"
"I don't know."
"I mean, are you married?"
"Oh, is that what you're asking? No, I'm not married; I'm widowed."
"Me, too. It's been thirteen years since my wife died."
"It's 35 or more for me."
"And you never found someone else?"
"I haven't really been looking. At first I was busy raising my kids."
We talked for a few more minutes until one of Dr Heine's nursed came out to get the mail. He asked her about the matchmaker, but she didn't know either. She told him that this building was all doctor's offices, but she didn't know about the other one. He headed back over there to find someone else to ask.

Gourd Fest:

I went in to Mayfield again today. First I took 9 'WalMart bags' of books to the library for the book sale. The girl asked if I wanted them marked for the sale only. I said, "Huh?" and she replied that they also take donations of books for the shelves. I told her that if they wanted to put any of them on the shelves, that would be great.

From there I went to the Art Guild for the annual Gourd Fest. I talked to several people I hadn't seen for a while, and one I saw on Tuesday. Here are a few pictures of the event.
 The main throughfare.
 Aren't they lovely?
 The cosmos provides a beautiful background for the birdhouses.
Passing the time making more birdhouses.

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